42. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 April 1992 at 4:30 AM. in tongues, English.

There is going to be a time of famine on the Planet Earth. All the things that I said will come to be. The Cross of Heaven is coming down to Earth like I stated, watch, listen, and learn, Ray. The Cross of Heaven is coming to Earth, for what I said is going be. For you and your family are with Me, for I Protect My Prophets, Apostles and their families, for the coming of the Savior is close at hand. People must open their eyes and their ears and listen to the Prophets for the time of Tribulation is at hand. The Players have their Roles, the Stage has been set. And the time will occur, when the moon and the sun are in line with My Star, the Star of David.


45. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 May 1992 at 7:12 AM. Tuesday in tongues in English, Non-understandable tongue.


I see a pyramid. Then the Lord said:



Come, come, the time of the Earth is finished. For Heaven is the place for My Children, your Heavenly Father, your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit welcome you, for there will be no Peace on the Planet. And I will take My Lambs, My Sheep, to Heaven before the Tribulation, before the slaughter, before I lay My Wrath upon the earth.

But only the good Ones, the Righteous, the Spotless, the Ones who Repent. The Ones who love Me with their Heart, not their Lips. From their Heart is what I see, everything else means nothing.


69. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 1992 at 11:11 AM Friday in Tongues, English.

I love you, things are going smooth right now, but remember, there is going to be a time of tribulation, trials that you really won't be able to understand, but remember, the day is approaching where everything is going to come to a close. The Law that was stated in the Bible, about the end times is going to be fulfilled, as it was stated in the Bible.

For the hour and the day is approaching at a very rapid rate. The realization that your world is going to change will confuse many of you, for that idea seems incomprehensible. For you're complacent in your day to day activities. You are set in your way of life, but it is all coming to a close.

The last big War to be fought will happen in your lifetime. So be prepared, be strong, practice the Word of God in your everyday living. Practice the rules, the regulations that are stated in the Bible. Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, look to the Holy Spirit to guide you, look to Me to listen to your prayers, for the day of the Beast is here.

101. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 June 1992 at 1:49 PM. Friday in English.

Your rage is going to subside when the Holy Spirit puts that spark in your Heart. Then you'll understand what My Prophet is doing. How he is working to accomplish what has to be accomplished. Keep him in your prayers. Help him if you can, for My Children have to unite. We have to bring the Body of Christ together for the time of Trial and Tribulation is at hand.

We have to start at once. We have to convert our neighbor. We have to convert our Brothers, our Sisters, anybody and everybody that listens. This is Jehovah, your Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Beast is accumulating Wealth and Information at this time, for the Beast is not waiting in the slightest to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. He is placing many hours at his Job at the present time.

So, Body of Christ, listen to the Prophecies and watch, and learn, for you will be surprised in the manner in which things will develop, for the fall of Law and Order is at Hand, for the fall of your Rights is at Hand, for the fall of Peace and Tranquility is at hand, for the fall of Satan is at Hand. Remember, those of you that have a Pure Heart, Pure Mind, and Pure Soul, keep your eyes focused on Jesus.

For He is your Savior. He is the Salvation of all that is Pure and Righteous. The Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way. You have to open yourself up for guidance. For the guidance will not develop, will not proceed if you do not accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your King of Kings, and your Lord of Lords deep down to the heart of your Soul, and not just on your Lips. For your Lips mean nothing.

So, pay attention My Saints and read on for the Prophecies will get more intense, more real, for I promised My Saints that I would warn them before the end so those of you with a clean Heart, clean Mind, and a clean Soul that are looking for the Path to your God, Jehovah the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and want to save yourselves from the fall, the great fall, the great tribulation that is going to befall this Planet, listen, read and study the Bible. Get your Brothers and your Sisters and read.

Read as if your life depends on it. For every minute you're in the Bible you're that closer to Me, Jehovah. You have to trust Me. You have to trust Me that I'll deliver you. I know it will be hard but you can do it. For I want nothing but what is Clean, Righteous and Pure. For I mentioned earlier your room is ready. Your Chair, the one you love, is waiting for you in Heaven.

So trust in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way out, but you really have to listen. Really listen hard for the distractions of this world are going to be intense, more than you could ever comprehend. If there is a desire in your heart, in that little heart of yours, I am going to build up and make it grow in the direction of Jesus.

He will show you, but you have to be willing to do it on your own. For I only want those that really want to come; those that are strong; those that are loving; those that care for their Brothers and Sisters; those that are giving everything that they have to bring the Word of Jesus Christ to the world.

I'll watch over you. I'll take care of you. For I love you with all My Heart. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all that is and what will be, is the truth and nothing but the truth. For your God is truth and what is truth is Righteousness, what is truth and Righteousness is your ticket to Heaven. So saith Jehovah, with My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit.


104. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 9:15 AM. in English.

The trials, and the tribulations, that people are going to go through, are really going to separate the good ones from the bad ones. There is nothing that can change what I have started. The realness of what is going to happen will shock the whole world, the leaders, the followers of the leaders, the people who think they know all.


114. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 11:02 AM. in English.

For the hour and the day is here that was stated in the Bible through the Prophet Joel. For the closing of this Planet will be done according to the Word of Jehovah, your God. So take courage, be wise. For the time and the hour will be rapidly coming.

When the crow crows in the morning, will be the time of the first tribulation on this Planet. In the country of the far east when the false prophet uses the false word that the devil gave him to defame and to Blaspheme against the Almighty Jehovah. For the Power, and the Glory, and the Honor belongs to Jehovah, and only Jehovah. And Jehovah will not allow his Name to be Blasphemed in any manner, and in any shape, at any time for the pot does not tell the Potter what to do at anytime at any place.


145. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 July 1992 at 1:18 PM. in English.

Come My Children, come My Children, and listen to your Father. The Star is on its way. It will strike, and hit the atmosphere with such force that you will know that the end is upon you. The train of life, the train of life will deliver you, if you focus on My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Power of the Holy Spirit. He will cleanse all evil, eradicate all that Satan has touched. For the hour is here, for the day is here. For the moment that the Christians have been looking for will come, upon the Star striking the atmosphere. So saith Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe.

I want you to open your ears and eyes, and listen to the Prophecies. Read the Bible, study, and learn. Tell your brothers and sisters, warn them, guide them, but you have to be strong in the Word. The Word that's in the Bible. The Word of Jehovah. So listen to the Prophecies, learn from the Bible, and help each other.

For the enemy will try to destroy you by gas, by fire, by starvation, by the gun, by the chamber, by the whip, by the rope. So saith Jehovah. Be strong! Be brave! For the hour is upon you. Come and hear thee faithful people.

Come and hear thee O' faithful people. For your destiny is at hand, so saith Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe. The beginning, and the end will be as it was stated in the Bible. Be sharp! Be quick! Trust no one but Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, so saith Jehovah, the Creator, the Father of the Universe.

For the hangman with his noose will chase you through all four corners of the World. So be Strong! Be brave! Trust in Jesus. Trust in the Holy Spirit. Trust in Jehovah. Be Strong! Be Brave! For, "The End," is almost here. Be Strong! Be Brave!


182. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 August 1992 at 8:51 AM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.


The time has arrived where you'll have to confront the problem, the situation with the lady that's ill. Be patient, be wise, be strong, be brave. For the hour is at hand when she will call. That will be a sign of a confirmation, a sign of deliverance for what is hard will be broken for what is soft and gentle will be increased. For the Eyes of Jehovah sees what is soft and gentle and loving.

For the day of reckoning, the day of accomplishing the will of God is at hand. The Ark is in place. The Ark will be the beginning of a new life for the Saints of Jehovah. For My Son, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be at the appointed time with the Ark. For when the cloud approaches your Planet the miraculous will occur. The clean, the righteous, the pure in heart will be instantly taken onto the Ark. The REST will go through the TRIALS, the TRIBULATIONS which will be the FINAL CLEANING OF THE BODY OF THE PLANET.


198. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 September 1992 at 1:14 PM. in Spanish, English, and Non-understandable tongues.

Oh. I love you. Oh. I love you. If you could see through My Eyes. You could see how I Love the world. It gives Me Pain. It hurts Me to see it in the condition that it's in. It grieves Me. It puts tears in My Eyes, in My Heart, in My Spirit to see the evil that's on this Planet Earth.

My Saints, My Sheep, prepare, be strong, for I am going to clean this Planet. I am going to avenge Myself on all that is evil. What is evil, what is of Satan will be thrown into the pit, Gehenna. For I am grieved to see the evil that's on this Planet. My Saints, My Sheep, My Seeds, My Son has His Orders. The time, the place is before you. Read the Bible, study, learn about your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords. For through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will be saved. Remember, no matter what happens, your Father in Heaven, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, will never abandon you. For the day of the Beast is at hand, the days, the trials, the tribulations.

I am going to shake this Planet. I am going to rattle it. I am going to Purify it. So My Christians, My Seeds, brace yourselves. Get into Prayer. Get into the Bible. Look for your brothers and sisters. Like you never have before. For these are not idle Words. "I am going to shake this Planet!" "I am going to scare every single person on this Planet!" They are going to know Jehovah God, in a way they never knew before.

For the devil has corrupted the whole Planet to the extent that I must do what I have to do. The War in the Heavens is viciously going on. But the time is here now that the Planet earth will be shaken. FOR LUCIFER IS RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE. FOR HE KNOWS HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. He wants to take you with him. Everything he touches he spoils, for the day of Lucifer are almost over. My Christians, My Sheep, My Lambs. He wants you. He wants you for dinner for his mad dogs. He wants you for dinner. He wants to take you to Gehenna.

Be Strong. Be brave. For Jehovah God, the Creator of the Universe, of the Stars, of the Heavens, with My Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will protect you, but you have to listen to My Words. You have to be obedient. Look for your brothers and sisters TODAY, NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow. For the day of the beast is upon you.

Remember My Words, "The day of the beast is upon you." Look for your brothers. Look for your sisters. My Angels are there. My Son is there. The Holy Spirit will guide you. You have to jump onto the Ark. Its ready! Open your ears. Open your eyes. This is your Father Jehovah. The Creator of the Universe with the Son and the Holy Spirit. 


277. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 January 1993 at 12:10 AM. in English and Spanish.

Ah, yes, yes My son. I know you are frustrated. I know you are tired and sleepy. For the coming days you will be asked to do some things that will Glorify the Body. That will make the foundation of your future, for yourself, and your new family. Be wise. Be strong. Try to be Patient.

The thumb is on the trigger. The gun is pointed in the direction of the House of the Lord. For the House of the Lord of Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be shot with the force of bullets from the enemy. For the enemy will Penetrate the House of My Son. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the Name of Jehovah your God, through the Power of the Holy Spirit will endure the Trials and Tribulations.

For the Ark will be established in the new House, in the new building. Point your eyes in the direction of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Watch the World as it changes from month to month, from crises to crises. Remember what was said in the Prophecies, and watch the world as it fulfills the Prophecies. For the Word of Jehovah God says, will be done.


210. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 September 1992 at 8:25 AM. in English.

You will be shown. You will be guided and if you don't do as I ask, you will be left behind with the trials and the tribulations that will befall this Planet. For Jehovah God loves you and wants you, but you have to be obedient to what's right, to what is righteous, to what's good, to what's clean, to your King of Kings, to your Lord of Lords. Through Jesus Christ of Nazareth you will find Me and We will live in Heaven, in Peace, in Harmony, in Tranquility for all the days that there are days.


254. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 December 1992 at 9:59 AM. in English and Non-understandable Tongues.

Remember My Words My Children. Remember My Words. This is your Father Jehovah with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Read the Bible, and Study. Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets. Repent of your sins. For you will see. For you will live through what My Prophet has seen. Make yourselves strong. Be wise! Read the Bible. Look for My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For We will protect you through the trials, through the tribulations. No matter what happens, never forget your God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. For I am bringing to a close this little Planet with its evil ways. Remember My Words. "When the Leaves of the Fig Tree change," " Like a thief in the Night," so say it, Jehovah.


282. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 January 1993 at 10:51 AM. in English, Spanish, and non-understandable tongues.

The Ark of the Covenant will be established at the appointed time, and the appointed hour. My Children you have to climb onto the Ark. Do you remember Noah? Noah climbed onto the Ark, and waited. He had the Faith, and the Trust that his Father Jehovah would Deliver. I am asking you to do the same. Look for your brothers and sisters. Love one another, climb onto the Ark, stand on the Rock, and wait for the trials, and tribulations that are going to hit this planet.


427. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 April 1994 at 9:30 PM. in English.

Put it in the Book and write it down. Tell the Body of Christ to go door to door. Go knock on doors and tell everybody that. The End is coming, and that the Lord is coming. Tell them the Gospels, and go to the streets.

This is a Commandment! This is a Commandment! Do it Now! Quickly, for the End is before you. For the End is at Hand. Did you hear Me Clearly? Did you hear it to the Point? Stop whatever you are doing; get off your chair; get off your bottom, and start knocking on those doors. Now! Don't think about it, just be obedient. That is My Commandment. This is a direct order from your Father in Heaven, and the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.

Don't say you weren't warned. Don't say your weren't instructed. Don't play dumb. For it is here, the end of, "The Ends." I will not accept any excuses. You have heard My Word. This is a Direct "Commandment!" Go to the streets knock on your neighbors doors. Tell them that the Lord is coming..., Today! Peace be with you, My Children. I love you all, for the trials and tribulations are ahead. Make yourselves strong, for here comes the Wrath of God.

Hear thee, O people! Hear thee, O people! Hear thee, O people, the Word of Jehovah, the Word of Jesus, the Word of the Holy Spirit. (over)

After dinner, my friend and I drove to my friend's church and prayed.


562. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 September 1994 at 10:08 AM. in English.

Point your nose into the Bible, and pray, and pray, and pray. For the Bible will reveal inter secrets that were never known before. For you are approaching the end times, and the same Bible that you have been reading for centuries with the same Words will reveal inter secrets of the end times. But you have to study it with the Eyes of God, with the Manner of God. You have to kill the theology of man, the religion of man, and study the Bible completely. And it will reveal to you the wonders of the Father Jehovah, the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and of the Holy Spirit.

For the man of today has hopped and skipped all over the Bible, and this hopping and skipping has blinded them. For they can't see the true Word of God. THIS MUST STOP TODAY!! Read the Bible completely and in its entirety. From the beginning to end, and it will reveal to you secrets of the end times in ways and manners that you never knew. Stop listening to the leadership and read the Bible. Read the Word of God. For the leadership will lead you to the pit.

You have two eyes; you have two ears; you have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will open your eyes, and your ears to the truth, the REAL TRUTH of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. Remember My Words, "The leadership will send you in the wrong direction." This is your Father, Jehovah, the I am, I am, I am, with the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, the Provider. Open the Bible and do as I say today.

For you are running out of time. If you want to save yourself and your family clean your mind of what the established churches have said to you. Read your Bible. Read the Word of your God, with a clean, with and open, with a sincere mind, with the Heart of God. The Holy Spirit will guide you word by word, passage by passage, chapter to chapter, to the Presence of the Lord, to the Throne Room of God. Remember if you follow the leadership you will miss the Train to Heaven, you will miss the Ark. Remember Noah? Noah obeyed. Noah was saved. This is the Word of your Father Jehovah, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, giving you the advice of Heaven, on this date, on this time.

For the times ahead are the trials and tribulations of the Antichrist, and he will slaughter you and butcher you, and torture you, for you are not equipped. The Body of My Son has ignored My Sheep, My Lamps, for hundreds of years and it must stop today. READ THE BOOK, THE BOOKS OF THE GOSPEL. Read the Old Testaments. Read the Words of the old Prophets. Read the Word of Jehovah. For I haven't changed. I am the same today as I was yesterday.

Don't worry about the leadership for I am going to straighten them out. Mark My Words! I WILL STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT! Through the trials, through the tribulations. Remember the Words of Jehovah, "The same today as yesterday." With the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit I give you this message from Heaven.


671. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 January 1995 at 1:40 PM. in Spanish.

Over there, over there, over there My son. Over there are all the things that I told you in the manner of God, with the Force of God. I tell you to the point. I tell you clearly. The days that are coming are the days of persecution. The days of persecution. Yes! They have arrived.

Blood going to spill from the Body of My Son with the spear. The spear that hit the side of My Son is going to be the spear that's going to hit the Body again, the Body of My Son in the world. The spear in His side, the Water and the Blood are going to spill together, to clean what has to be clean.

Do you hear Me, Reymundo? Put it down, write, what I tell you, with the Lips of the Father, with the Lips of the Son, with the Lips of the Holy Spirit. It has arrived the Water and the Blood of the spear. Tell everyone that here comes the day that the spear is going to hit the Body of My Son in the side.

These are the Words of your God, the Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit. The End is here! Do you remember the day of Jonah? It has arrived. Read the Book of Jonah. For the day and the date of the Water and the Blood has arrived.


686. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 February 1995 at 12: 37 AM. in Spanish.

My son, I am going to give you what I have said. It has arrived the day of persecution, the persecution of the Body of My Son. Did you hear Me?, the persecution. Yes, it has arrived. Did you hear Me? Do you have your ears open? For it has arrived, "The End." It has arrived what I have told you. Look, you have to get ready for here comes all the gifts, all the things from Heaven.

Oh oh oh. Here comes My Son Jesus to fight for all the sheep, for all that's His, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of everything that is from God. It has arrived, "The End", the End of the world. I tell you clearly. I tell you to the Point. I tell you with My Lips. For here comes My Word with the Force of the Holy Spirit.

Yes!, the pit is going to open and all that is filthy, all that isn't Mine, I am going to place in the pit. Did you hear Me? Here comes the pit! Here comes the pit! For I am only going to save what is Clean; what is Pointed; what I gave to My Son in the manner of God. It has arrived, the Force of the Holy Spirit, the Force of the My Son, the Word. Yes! It has arrived! Yes! It has arrived! (over)


809. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 October 1995 at 4:34 PM in English.

"I am the Father. I am the Creator of the universe, of the stars, of everything you see, of everything you touch, of everything that's going to be. There is going to come a day, when the earth is going to shake to the right and to the left with the Power of Jehovah, with the Power of Jesus, and with the Power of the Holy Spirit. Make yourself Strong. Make yourself Brave. Make yourself Bold. For the Word of Jehovah is going to shake and rattle and roll this little planet of yours.

This complacent church; this complacent Body that has been asleep for so many years is going to shake, rattle, and roll, with the Power of Jehovah, with the Power of Jesus, with the Power of the Holy Spirit. And I don't mean the churches that have buildings, the churches that are complacent, that are DEAD. I mean the hidden Body of My Son, the ones that are in the closets; the ones that are in the homes; the ones that have My Power. They are going to be awaken with the Holy Spirit. For that was the Body that was chastised. That was the Body that was abused. THAT IS THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

Are you listening to the Words that I am telling you? THAT BODY RIGHT THERE..., is about one hundred times bigger than the Body that claims to follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the churches. The little boxes they have built up in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; the ones that are all asleep; that are blind; that step on the widows and kick the poor around because they don't have the funds to give them. The ones who chastise the prophets and the apostles. That's NOT the Body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The Body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is underground because the leaders of the church of man are not doing the Word of the Lord. They are doing the word of man, in the manner of man. They do not seek the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit speaks; they cover their ears. When the Holy Spirit shows; they cover their eyes. What a shame! What a shame! For the Power of God is there..., before them. But they are a stiff neck people. They are a hard headed people. They WON'T LISTEN!

But you are out of time. So I am awakening, I am showing the Body that is hidden in the closets, in the houses the TRUE POWER OF THE LORD. For they are the ones that are going to be the doers, the shakers, the rattlers. That's the revival, but they are not going to listen to the denominational theologies of the churches. They are going to listen to Jesus Christ. They are going to listen to Jehovah. They are going to listen to the Holy Spirit and ONLY the HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS CHRIST, AND THE FATHER JEHOVAH. For that's where the POWER LIES. The Power that created the heavens; the Power that created the world; the Power that created their bodies. That's where all the LOVE LIES. Everything that's good, everything that's righteous, everything that is of the Lord of Lords, of the King of Kings. With the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit I tell you the truth.

The end is approaching very rapidly so I am waking up My Warriors. The ones that got abused, the ones that got kicked out of the churches for prophesying, the ones that have nothing but the LOVE OF GOD in the spirit. They are seeking in the spirit; they walk in the spirit. They know My Voice when I speak, and they cry when they hear My Voice. To them I am going to give the power, TO THEM WHO HEAR MY VOICE! I tell you all of these things through the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the Power of Jesus Christ's Name, through My Name, Jehovah. For My Word will not come back void.

You are going to see many tears, not the tears of sadness, but the tears of joy. Because I am going to start touching their spirits and they are going to drop to their knees and cry, and they are going to pray, and they are going to pray, and they are going to pray, and they are going to have communion, and they are going to repent. For they know that the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, with the Father and the Holy Spirit is alive. For I am going to give them the Power of the Spirit.

So you theologians, you wise men of the Word; BEWARE, BECAUSE I AM AWAKENING THE HIDDEN BODY OF MY SON. They are going to receive the Power. They are going to be the movers, the shakers of this little planet. Because you have Me in a box. You hard headed pastors; you hard headed teachers; you hard headed preachers; are so blind and so dumb. You seek the word of man. I'll give you the word of man, and you'll have to take the trial and tribulations that come with that church. For I am going to protect My Flock and ONLY My Flock. If you want to stand alone, I'll let you stand alone. For you have no business using the Name of My Son for your own deceitful purposes. So be it. So be it." (over)


900. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 April 1996 at 3:55 PM. in Spanish.

The climate, of the United States, is going to change, to the point, with water, with storms, with earthquakes, for We have arrived at the end; and the man, of the devil, has arrived. Remember when I told you to look at the sky, for there were coming - the things of the sky? The bomb is going to arrive; the infirmities are going to arrive; and the end has arrived, the end - of all that is good in the United States. They think a lot of themselves, even the ones who run the churches; but they don't seek Me with the Heart of God; they seek Me with the heart of money. They like the power. They like to tell people what to do, but they don't ask Me what I think. What a shame, for all of the world is going to be frightened!

The people, that you believe are great, are going to fall, rapidly and to the point. The greater, they think they are - the faster, they are going to fall. Like I told you earlier, your Father does not lie. All, that I have said, is direct and to the point. Here comes the man, that is going to run the world, with the force of the devil. Remember what I have said about the word, "WAR." It is very important that you study that word, for that's going to be the life that is coming - war and war and war; then, the end will come, directly and to the point. All the war, in the Heavens, is getting larger, with the Angels and with the devils, and, day by day, you are getting closer to the end.

Those, who want to hear; are going to hear and the ones, who want to bury their heads under the ground - so they won't hear, I am going to help them, with the bullet. Yes! The day is going to come, that you are not going to want to live. People are going to want to die, for everything is going to go very bad. And they are going to be sad because they were born; and they are going to cry, "why was I born?" "Why was I born, for I have to eat my son and daughter, like I eat the meat of a cow!" Did you hear what I have said? It has arrived, the day that you eat your son and daughter with the lips of the devil, for you are hungry. What a shame! What a shame, that you didn't seek your Father, the Son - Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

You believed that you knew it all; and now you cannot even die. I have told you the Truth - you won't be able to hide yourself; then the day will come when you will see Me, Eye to eye, Face to face; then, I am going to ask you, "Why didn't you seek Me?" You believed you were so great; now you can show Me how great you are, when you are chewing on the leg of your son, for you are hungry. What a shame, the things of man, for he wants to be like God! It has arrived, the suffering of the world, with the force of the devil. It has arrived.

If you want to save yourself, eat the Communion. Seek My Son and repent of all the sins you have done, and I will save you. But, if you turn your back and walk away, I am going to let you walk away, for I have told you - and I have told you; and you did not want to hear, for you have a heart and a head of stone. This is all that I am going to tell you on this day, at this time, with My prophet, Reymundo. Exactly - all is going to happen, like I have said. This is your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, telling you the wisdom from Heaven. Yes! It has arrived. (over)


962. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 September 1996 at 8:12 PM. in Spanish.

The day has arrived - that your scalp is going to be very important. Yes, your scalp is going to be very important, for the man with the hand of iron is going to want your scalp. Yes, he is going to collect them. And your scalp is going to be money in the pockets of their soldiers. They are going to pay them - for every scalp they get with their knives. And they are going to place all of them on a wire so they will dry. The day of the scalp has arrived!

For speaking Words like this - you believe that these Words; are only Words from a crazy man, that doesn't have any sense. But mark them on your calendar, for this is the Word of your God, the One who made the world, the stars, all that you see, all that you touch. These are not the Words of My Reymundo. The day of the hammer has arrived.

You believe that you can sit on your buttocks (Spanish word used: nalgas) and do nothing, and expect that everything will go well. I am going to awaken you and I am going to scare you with the hammer. You are still playing church. Still - you have not read the Bible. Still - you have not sought your brothers, and your brothers in the street. You believe that you have it easy, but everything is going to change very rapidly and you are not going to find the time to read the Bible.

I tell you the TRUTH! I know the manner of the man with the hand of iron. I know ALL that is going to happen - before it happens. But I am not going to help you if you don't read the Bible or seek out your brothers and sisters in the street for I gave you the Word and I told you what to do. All you did was sit on your buttocks - and you did nothing!

The day that the man with the hand of iron comes: you are going to seek Me OUT! And you are going to cry for yourself and your family - so I can help you, but I am not going to help you. I am going to let the man with the hand of iron take you by the hair, and let him cut your scalp - FOR YOU BELIEVED YOU KNEW SO MUCH, AND YOU DID WHAT YOU WANTED. That's why I am going to leave you to do what you want - with the man with the hand of iron.

These WORDS are hard. These WORDS are EXACT! These WORDS are the manner of God, but how do you know the manner of God, if you don't read the Bible? You believe God is LOVE and LOVE, but do you remember that I correct things too - EXACT AND TO THE POINT? You have to read ALL of the Bible. You believe all will go well - if you only read the good things of the Bible. I AM GOING TO CHANGE YOU in one manner or another!!! If you have NO Fear of God; you don't know the manner of God.

I tell you and I tell you and I tell you, but you believe you know so much! That's why I am going to leave you alone with your friend, the devil - for you believe you know it ALL. Did you hear Me Clearly and to the Point? The devil will protect you - for you are not Mine. It has arrived, the day of the scalp. Yes, and to the POINT! Let's see if you get scared and begin to read the Bible in the manner of God, for it has arrived - the hand of the man of iron. (over)


1028. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 April 1997 at 12:27 AM. in Spanish.

For I separated you with My Spirit. I am the ONLY One who can help you. For the things I have showed you in the years past are very heavy, and I know it hurts your heart. I know the dreams, and I know that the devil hits you. He hits you hard, but you are stronger now Reymundo, and you can tell when he comes, but We have more things to do. I am going to help you with the money. For I know that the brothers and sisters are deaf; they want everything EASY; they want everything FREE. I know - the computer costs you, and the things to live on.

But there is going to come one day, Reymundo, that all these things are going to become nothing. For people are going to eat rats, dogs, and cats. And they are going to eat everything that is filthy. I have sent out My Word for many years, and no one helps My Prophets that I send out into this world. They suffer and they suffer, but they send out My Word for that is their job. I hear their tears, and it hurts Me, when I see the tears coming from the people I choose. For when they suffer - I SUFFER! For they know - and I know that the Word is not theirs. It is Mine!


1048. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 May 1997 at 12:30 AM. in Spanish.

The rat is under the table. Look at him. Look at how he runs from here to there. The rat that is under the table. Look for him, and catch him, for if you catch him you will have something to eat tonight. Hurry! He went over there! Get your knife and cut his throat and in that way we will have something to eat tonight. Yes, Reymundo, that is the way it is going to be in the days that are coming.

They are going to eat rats. They are going to eat what they can find. But I tell and I tell this world, that the hard days are going to come, but do you believe they hear Me. No! No! No! They have other things to do. They have to have fun. They have to go here and there. They do not have the time to pray. They do not have the time to read the Bible. Lets see if they have the time to catch the rat to eat in the days that are coming. Like I told you - the letter of God is to the point, and is going to arrive, and is going to hit this world. I told you in the Bible many years ago that I was going to send My Word in the last days. And I told you that many were not going to believe Me. You are in those days NOW!

For I am sending My Word with the Force of the Holy Spirit, but the people who believe that they know, they are not going to hear Me; they are going to get mad. For they do not know the God, the One who made the world, the stars, all that you see, all that you touch. They believe they know, but they do not have the Heart of God. What a shame! But it is the Truth of the days that you are living in. All of the pastors, the ministers, know the words, they know how to move their hands, they know how to put on their elegant clothes, but they do not have the Heart. They forgot to put on the Heart of God.

But the end has arrived. It has arrived THE END of the Word that I said many years ago. And do not say, that I did not tell you. You had the eyes, you had the ears to see and to hear the Word of God for many, many years. And the time I gave you is almost over. But if you want to suffer, that is your thing. But the ones who want to save themselves; they have to seek Me. For there are many who are sending out My Word with the Force of the Holy Spirit. Lets see who is going to eat, if you are going to catch the rat to eat or if the rat is going to catch you to eat? Wake -up, and hear the Words of God. Read the Bible and repent, for here comes My Son Jesus. (over)


1599. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 February 2001 at 2:30 PM.


The Lord gave me a vision of a person's face and the face was all beat-up with bruises and blood all over it.


Then the said, "That is what is going to happen to a person who tries to convert a member of his own family during the end times. (over)


1612. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 April 2001 at 9 PM.

During worship at Carl's Bible study, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and gave me a vision of the future.


What I saw was the last day of the tribulation, where the antichrist is finished or thrown into the lake of fire. Some people would say the first day (This was clearly shown to me to be the first few hours) of the beginning of the one thousand year period. I could see many people standing and looking toward the sky at this White Light. I could also see smoke or fog of some kind on the ground and rising into the air, and there was destruction all around these standing people. Everything was in dead silence except for these people singing this song.


Then the Lord said, "At the beginning of the thousand year period people will be standing and singing this song"

Then the Lord showed me that the song was:

Spirit Song (by John Wimber)


Then I saw the profile of a human nose.


Then I saw a white flame floating on top of a large body of water that looked like an ocean. As I watched this flame, I saw rain clouds begin to form high in the sky and it began to rain down above the white flame. I could see the rain falling down in the direction of the flame, but before the rain came near the flame this large glass looking cover developed over the flame. This glass looking thing looked like one of those glass covers over an oil lamp. This glass kept the flame protected and burning as it floated on the water.


1760. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 November 2003 at 8:35 AM

The Art of Love is caring. The Lord of lords, the King of kings cares, He Loves His Flock. Many have fallen through the years and many more will fall. The time of Tribulation is here. There are times the things you think are right are going to be wrong and the wrong things are going to be right. For man has difficulty understanding the Ways of God, for many do not read the Bible, many only follow their pastor and many pastors only follow their ways and those ways are not the Ways of God. The blind leading the blind; they both fall into the Pit.


1864. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 12 November 2006 at 12:56 PM

Come Reymundo, come! I am going to show you the things of the future. The things that will be, the things that nobody will understand until they happen! The forces of the world will collide with the vengeance of the devil. The devil will claim his territory, will conquer, will divide the land. Some countries will be eliminated never to be again. Some people will become bondservants to others. The religions of the world are going to seek answers for the troubles they are seeing. Europe will be re-divided. A lot of Africa will be destroyed. Asia will be unified in some places, destroyed in others. The larger countries will swallow up the smaller ones. The weapons of mass destruction will be released. People will die like flies. The rulers will not care. They are seeking power any way they can. The things of South America will be no different. Some countries will be eliminated; death will be common.

Christianity will unite the best it can, because the leaders did not do their job. Many will be killed. That will be their payment for not doing their jobs. Their families will be raped. Their families will be forced into hard labor. Many of their children will be killed. I warned them and I warned them and I warned them! But they would not listen. Fantasy Christianity will not work in the coming years! For the devil will run the world in the manner of the devil. It will go on until the time of the devil is complete. Then everything will be Cleaned, but it is a shame that many people will die, that many people will suffer. It didn’t have to be this way! But the leaders of My Church of Jesus Christ were selfish, were legalistic, were looking out for themselves. So be it! So be it!

The world will change, the evil will grow. The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will correct the damage. The road is wide, the promises are big. Greed, power; - the things of man are on the wide road.

My Children, seek the things of God NOW! Make yourselves strong. Make yourselves wise. Europe will not be Europe. Asia will not be Asia. South America will not be South America. America, Canada, Mexico will be destroyed in many areas, but so will most of the world.

What a shame! What a shame! What a shame! What a HARD HEADED people! Get into the Bible. Seek Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Seek the Holy Spirit. Seek the Father Jehovah. Take Communion everyday. Pray at 3 and at 7. Help your brothers and sisters. Read the Bible from beginning to end. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)


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