33. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 January 91 in tongues English.

And look at the ones that are not going to come with Me. They will give you a sign also. They will show you what not to do. They will show you what not to do. For I have already allowed a place for them. It hurts Me even to say it, even to think it, that I am going to lose one, that I am going to lose one.


60. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 May 1992 at 11:31 AM. in tongues English.

So listen, hear My Words for the time is here for Me to implement what I stated before you were born. For it is here! And you must listen, for if you don't, you will become part of the vast wasteland that will be created, for what is not righteous, and pure, and clean in the Eyes of Jehovah. So beware, be sharp, be straight, be good, and keep yourselves from evil. For evil will rule the wasteland once and forever. In a place you could never comprehend. I really do love you.


So listen and beware of the False Prophet which will be coming upon you very soon. Discern and Judge for he will deceive many righteous and unrighteous Children of God. For the False Prophet is going to do what was stated in the Bible before you were born. So listen, listen to your Father in Heaven for the time is here, the hour has been appointed, the day and the month is coming up very fast. So My Children you have been told, you have been warned, don't do as the world does. For you will find the wasteland forever if you do as the world does. For your Father loves you, and wants to guide you to Peace and tranquility forever, but you have to do it on your own. For I will only accept the ones who want to be good and straight on their own. For I am not a God that would force you to come to Me, for love does not force, love does not demand, love is giving love.


71. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 June 1992 at 1:22 AM. in English.

For what I say will be done without any change of any kind. The Antichrist, the False Prophet will appear at the appointed time and they will be defeated exactly as I have stated. So beware of the Mark of the Beast. For the significance of the Mark on your body will not be forgiven under any circumstances. For the Mark represents total defiance of My Law. Total defiance of Moral Code. Total defiance of the written Law. The Mark of the Beast represents the side that you're placing your allegiance to and anything that is not clean doesn't belong to Jehovah. My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, has the authority to liquidate, abolish, destroy, bind, and cast anyone with the Mark of the Beast. For their kingdom will be the walls of Gehenna. For they deserve to live with their followers just as My Saints deserve to live in Heaven. What is right, is right! My Son has the Law of the righteous and He will implement it without mercy at His own choosing, for He is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. For all the Sheep and Lambs that endured their trials, their tribulations, in their walk to Heaven.

The existence of Gehenna will be established for the new inhabitants that took the Mark of the Beast at the allowed time. For their help in Rebellion, in following Lucifer in his plans to defile My Name and what I Created. This is your God Jehovah, the First, and the Last, and the Beginning of the New Heaven will begin when My Son Jesus Christ binds and destroys the last evil thing on the Planet.


78. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 June 1992 at 12:01 noon in tongues in Spanish.

Look, I am a God that loves you with Love. That's why I am telling you these things now but if it makes your heart hard, you're not going to have a chance. There are going to be some that won't believe Me. I am not going to do anything to stop them because I keep telling them, and I keep telling them, and they close their eyes, and their ears. They are going to live with the devil all the time that there is time, and they are going to suffer much.


No one is going to push you to the right, or to the left. You have to use all that you have, in your Spirit, in your Mind, in your Body. You have to choose the devil or Me, your God who made everything. You have to choose, it is not hard. That's all you have to do. Choose in the manner that you want to go, because I have a Place made for the Saints, and a Place for the ones who don't like Me.


97. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 June 1992 at 10:04 AM. Thursday in Spanish.

Then I am going to send My Son. "He is going to clean up everything" Remember that! My Son Jesus has the Force. He has My Word to do what I tell him. I am going to tell Him to clean everything that is dirty. I want only what is clean.

The rest, I am going to put with the devil in the Pit for all the time that there is time. The Pit is a place where they are going to suffer for all the time that there is time. Many people don't want to hear this! They don't believe that God can do this! But Look! The people that are going to the Pit are the people that didn't look for Me. They looked for the devil and they found him. My Saints placed their Minds on their God, with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father knows everything. The Father doesn't want you there. He has the Love of all the World but you have the free will to do whatever you want. I am not going to change your mind. You have to choose but I am going to tell you the truth. I am going to tell you the truth until you get tired of hearing it, but it's the truth.

If My Son sends you to that Place you won't be able to say that you didn't know. For I am the God of everything, and this minute I am telling you the truth. The Holy Spirit is placing that Spark in your Heart. Right Now! For I don't want you to tell Me that you didn't know. In the Pit you're going to suffer for all the time that there is time. There are many people that don't believe this. What a shame, for it's the truth.

The devil doesn't want you to know the truth, for if you don't believe then He can eat you. You have the chance to place your Mind on your God. The One who made everything with his Word or with the devil who took to the pit everything that he touched. You have to choose. With the Love of My Heart, with the Love of My Son, Jesus, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, We are telling you the truth. I am telling you with a Word, that you can tell, that it's the truth.

I love you with all My Heart. I am going to cry if I lose you. But what is the truth is the truth. Nothing can change what is the truth. I, with My Son, and with the Holy Spirit, We are the truth. No one wants to send you to that place. Everyone in Heaven wants you to come with Us to Heaven. Just the devil wants you to live with him but that's the way it's going t

Hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father. Your Father with his Son, and the Holy Spirit, with the Heart of the World, with the Heart of everything that is right. I am telling you the truth. Hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father.


100. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 June 1992 at 12:26 AM. in tongues, Spanish and English.


Crazy. He is Crazy. He is Crazy. The Man. He is Crazy because he believes that he can beat God. He believes that he can kill God if he kills the ones who believe in God. He is Crazy. He is Crazy. The man is mad with God because the devil said to him that everything bad that happened to him, when he was a child was the fault of God. Now, he wants to kill everyone who loves God, the God of the World, of the Heavens, of all that is and is not.

That's the way it's going to be in the days that are coming. You have to write and tell the Saints to put their ears to the ground. To hear the steps of the man that is Crazy. Because he's going to want to kill all that believe in Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, and in the Father.

He is going to have many soldiers that are going to help him to look for the ones who believe in Christ, and if they do not stop praying and reading the Bible, he is going to kill Christians like animals because he has a lot, and a lot of anger with God because the devil is telling him things. What a shame, what has to happen in the days that are coming.


I am going to give you some loving advice. This advice comes from the Lips of your Heavenly Father, Jehovah. For Jehovah is the beginning of everything. This advice is for the Christians that have to endure some tragedies in the future when they are going to be persecuted. This advice is basically simple: Keep focused in Jesus Christ, your Savior through the Power of the Holy Spirit. You will be Saved if you keep yourself Pure and Focus on Jesus Christ.

For when the Ball becomes known, the Ball will start the resignation of the Seal of the Evil Cross on the Ball, and on the body, and on the Body of Christ. For the seal of the wicked cross will be implemented at the appropriate time. For the devil will have his mark for the seal will mean everlasting Torment in Gehenna.

So beware of the seal. Beware of the Beast, for the coming of the end is at hand, and will be upon you before you realize. Heaven forbid anyone that takes the seal, for that mark seals your faith in Gehenna. Be on guard, stay sharp in the Word. Read the Bible. Focus on Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide you. This is your Father, the Creator of the Universe, Jehovah. 


104. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 9:15 AM. in English.

I will show you the world, Ray. I will show you how the Earth's people are in their Philosophy, in their Thinking. In the manner in which they approach Me, and in the manner they don't approach Me. Keep your eyes and ears open. Observe, and watch. For they are all My People, and I love them all to the very last one.

But there are those that have decided to go the other way, and for those, I will love them to the very last second. Then I will release them into the devil's hands forever, and ever, and ever. It's a shame. It's sad. It's a waste. But I gave everyone a free will, a free choice, and I am not going to force anyone to chase Me, to follow Me, to believe in Me. I will guide them. I will show them. I will put that spark in their heart, but they have to do it on their own.

For Love does not force. Love does not demand. Love does not insist. Love gives Love. Love receives Love. And then Love returns Love. Pretty simple. Pretty direct. But most people cannot understand that. They want to control, manipulate with selfish attitudes. They want to dominate. That's not Love. That's demonic. That's something that the devil uses to control people, because they are so insecure, but the time of the devil is finished.

The trials, and the tribulations, that people are going to go through, are really going to separate the good ones from the bad ones. There is nothing that can change what I have started. The realness of what is going to happen will shock the whole world, the leaders, the followers of the leaders, the people who think they know all.

The beast will destroy whatever he touches without reason, just because he wants to. Blood, dismembered bodies will be a common thing in the streets, in alleys. For he will have absolute power. Now you sinners, you people who do not follow Jehovah, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, will get an idea of the reality of what it is to follow Satan, your arch enemy. For you will follow him to the Pit, and live in the manner, in the shape, that his soul wills it, but the torment in Hell is no comparison to what will be on the Planet Earth very soon. For Hell is a place of gnashing and grinding of teeth, of total torment for eternity.

Sounds gruesome, sounds bad, but your God, Jehovah, the Holy Spirit, My Son, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, We are going to clean up everything that's in Heaven, that's on the Earth, and without question, without a bit of doubt, anything, and everything, that is evil will be cast down into Hell. Everything that is Clean and Pure will be Cleansed for Heaven. For My Spoken Word made the Heavens and the Earth, for Good, for what is Righteous, for what is Clean.

The Rebellion in Heaven started because Lucifer did not remain in the place that he was given, and with the authority, and responsibilities that was given him. He went against the Almighty Powerful God. But Jehovah, Jehovah God never loses, never has, never will. So the Rebellion is coming to a close, and anything that was contaminated by Lucifer, and his followers, will be cleaned up once and for all. Some of you might not like the idea of Hell, the creation of Hell, and the idea that wicked people will be placed in Hell, but you must remember, I am God Jehovah, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My Son is the Enforcer, the Implementor of My Law. He is Just, and He is Right. Remember the word "Just." It's very important. For the people that go with the leaders of the Rebellion to the Pit, it sounds bad, it sounds gruesome, but it is Just. In the spiritual world, it is Just, and since you cannot comprehend the spiritual world, and the reality of the spiritual world, you can't comprehend this place called Hell, Gehenna. Because you think in Earthly terms. For the blaspheme against My Name, My Son and the Holy Spirit will not be allowed. For We are the Creators of the Universe. We Created everything through My Spoken Word, and what is not Just, what is not Right will be dealt with; Justly, and Rightly.

So, My Lambs, My Sheep, repent. Repent, turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the door. He has the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. For what I am saying is True, and is Right. For I am your God, Jehovah, and I do not Lie. But, I am not going to force you to believe Me. I am just going to state it to you, as simply as I can with Love on My Lips, and Love in My Heart.

I don't like what I see on the Planet Earth. It has gotten to the point, and to the point in time, that I have to close the Book on this little Planet. For the sin, and the abomination against Me, My Son, and the Holy Spirit, has reached a point in time, that was stated in the Bible many thousands of years ago.

To you, it seems like a long time, but I, the Creator of time, it means nothing. You have to keep remembering the spiritual world operates with a different set of Rules, set of Laws, that your human sinful minds cannot comprehend, but yet, it is "for Real." It is more Real than what you can see, than what you can touch. For the Law of Jehovah, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit is absolute, and I mean, "ABSOLUTE."

So remember all these things My Children. For the time will come when you'll have to bow that knee to My Son, and confess, that Jesus Christ is, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Then My Son will tell you the outcome of your fate forever. All these things sound very harsh, but coming to Heaven is basically simple. It is easy, if you really Love your God. Repent, turn to Jesus. Help thy neighbor. Love one another. Simple!

But if those statements are to difficult for you. Don't worry! For you will be directed to a place that thinks like you do, forever. If you feel you cannot change, do not worry. For, "You," will decide what direction you will go. We will just direct you in the direction of "Your" decision. Simple, Direct, and to the Point.

This is Jehovah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, of all that is, of all that will be, the First Word, the Last Word, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. We bid you Happiness, Joy, and Contentment to the ones who listen to My Word, and obey the Law of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. To the others, "Your god" will be talking to you soon.

So My Sheep, My Lambs, make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever have. For this World, this Planet of yours is going to be shaken beyond belief. The climates will change, the mood of the people will change, there will be a War beyond comprehension. All these things will happen as it was stated in the Bible. Then I will close the book on this Planet, and then We will have a New World, a New Heaven, a New Beginning, and Children will live the way they were designed to live with Peace, Harmony, Jubilation, Joy, beyond your wildest Dreams.

I love you all, down to the very last one. Peace and Love to you all. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, your God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. We welcome you into Heaven. Peace be with you, My Children. 


117. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 4:02 PM. in English.

The King of the world is going to arrive at the Valley, the Bloody Valley that was stated in the Bible. For His Angels will clean up, bind, and deposit everything that is not clean in Gehenna. Then will begin the final cleansing of the Saints that survived the Great Battle with the devil. For what was stated in the Bible will come to a conclusion at the time and the place that the enemy was bound.

For he will be sent to Gehenna for his Rebellion against the Almighty God, Jehovah, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. For the disruption of the Harmony and the Unity in Heaven, and on the Earth, his final destination will be the abyss for his followers, and I am sorry to say, his saints that made him god. For they chose him over Jehovah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, of all that is and of all that will be. For your God, Jehovah, is bringing to a close all the Evil that the Rebellion produced since it began, for the hour and the day is almost here.

People of the World, this is your Father, Jehovah, stating a simple fact: "Either you will follow your god Satan to the Abyss or you'll follow My Son into Heaven. There is no other way to state it. It's basically simple. You just follow your God. I would like to see the people of the World repent of their sins, to do what is Righteous, to obey the Laws of My Son, to Love one another. For everything that I own in Heaven is Clean, it is Pure, it is Righteous and it obeys the Laws of My Son. For He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords forever." 


118. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:32 PM. English.


During Prayer I saw an American Bison. I guess you call it another Buffalo. It didn't look like the one I saw earlier. That's about all. I don't understand this Buffalo stuff.


Ah Yes, Ray, I am still here, for the Power and Glory belongs to Jehovah. For the Power and Glory Belongs to Jesus Christ. For the Power and the Glory Belongs to the Holy Spirit. Listen to Me, World! Listen to Me, you sinners. Listen to Me, the Ones who don't believe in Jehovah, for this Message is for you and only for you. For I have set aside this time to speak to you.

My Wrath is going to befall you without mercy. For I Hate everything that is dirty. Everything that is unclean. Everything that Satan has touched in any manner, shape, or form. For everything that belongs to Jehovah is Clean, Pure, and Righteous. I am warning you, World. I am warning you, Planet Earth. The day of My Wrath will befall you without Warning. The Heaviness of My Hand you will feel. You will want to dig a hole to bury yourself. For My Wrath will befall everything that is not Clean and Pure.

For I am going to shake this Planet off its axis. I am going to turn it upside down and inside out. For the day that was stated in the Bible is before you. I have said it politely. I have said it loudly. I have told you in every conceivable way to put your Evil ways away, and to turn away from Satan and to turn to Me.

I have warned you for thousands, thousands of years and you are a stiff necked People. You don't listen, so you have been warned. So when the Ax falls..., and the stone that's around your neck, the one that will send you to the Pit, to the Abyss, to Gehenna, that will be your reward for following your god Satan, himself.

For Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe of the Heavens, of the Stars, of everything, is bringing this Planet to a close. You, your families of demons, and Satan worshipers, you witches, you new Agers, you positive thinkers, all you abominations to your Lord Jehovah, are going to wrapped up and thrown in the Pit of Hell without mercy. This Planet is going to be shook up beyond your belief, and see if your god can save you. For you all will wind up in the same Place, at the same time with all your Brothers and Sisters of Evil.

For I, Jehovah, cannot keep My Eyes closed any longer. For the prayers of My Saints have been rattling My Ears for years and years and years. I, Jehovah, with My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Power of the Holy Spirit, We are bringing this Planet to a close. I don't care if you believe it of not. For when that day comes you will see who is the True God of the Universe, Who is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings. For the Power of God is the only Power in the Universe.  


123. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 June 1992 at 4:41 AM Monday in English and Non-understandable tongues.

There are ten Bells. The eleventh and twelfth Bell will ring after the conflict. For your Heavenly Hosts Wrath upon the Planet will come in the form of spiritual, physical realities; to the blind and to the deaf, to the ones that Satan won. For the Planet Earth will know beyond a shadow of a doubt who is the Creator, who is the Maker, who is the Breaker, who is in Control of the Universe. For Jehovah, the God of the Universe is going to shake the Universe and then He is going to break it as He can break a vessel to pieces. For it will fall and hit the floor and shatter into little pieces.

So saith, Jehovah. So saith, Jehovah with My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. The hour has come upon this Planet where evil will be paid with evil. The gates of hell will open and swallow up all the evil that was created through the power of Lucifer. The gates of hell will swallow every bit of evil that was created in the Heavens and on this little Planet. So saith Jehovah, God of the Universe, with My Son and the Holy Spirit.


125. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 June 1992 at 6:29 PM. in English.

I see the beginning of a breakthrough at your church. I see the beginnings but it's only a beginning. There is a lot of stubbornness, a lot of Pride, a lot of Hardened Hearts, but I see the seed being Planted which will grow and blossom. But the Ego and the Pride is very strong. The act of being Humble is hard. The act of being Obedient is hard. But Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe, is bringing to a close the Planet Earth which is full of sin and corruption.

The time is here that was stated centuries ago through My other Prophets. For the time table of this Planet is not in the Hands of man. It's in the Hands of Jehovah God. Jehovah does what He wants with His possessions, when He wants and how He wants. No theory man can put together can change the Mind of God. For the Mind of God is Righteous, Straight and Pure. The Mind of man is evil, deceitful and manipulative.

I know exactly what is in everyone's heart without question. YOU CANNOT FOOL ME IN ANY MANNER, SHAPE OR FORM. For My Wrath on this Planet, on all that is evil, will come to be as it was stated in the Bible. Either you're going to climb onto the Ark and be saved, or you're going to the pit of hell with the devil. There is no middle ground. I hope you understand that!

My Words are firm and stern. But when you are running the Universe the way I run it, in the time table that I have, what I say gets done and there is no questions on when, how, and if. For the Ways of Jehovah are Righteous and Pure, full of Love for My Sheep and My Lambs. All I want is what is Clean and Pure.

Everything else is going to be locked up forever in a place that I have set aside for Lucifer. For some of you people worship Lucifer. For some of you people will follow Lucifer to the ends of the Earth. For those people, you'll follow him right to the pit of hell. For as My Name is Jehovah, with My Son and the Holy Spirit, that is the decision you have to make, and that's what I'll have to do, for it hurts My Heart to lose you, but so be it.

You have been warned hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, and hundreds of times. You closed your Eyes and covered your Ears, so if you love your god that much you deserve to live with him. For I have held out My Hand for centuries and you have ignored it and you walked away. So the time of reckoning is here, the time of Judgment.

Many People won't like what will transpire in the next allotment of time but Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are in control. We have always been in control. Nothing Happens without Us knowing it. And I MEAN NOTHING! So you people of the world who think you can walk away from God, walk away from the truth, the day is almost here of Judgment.

For when the doors close in Heaven everything will be cleaned up and I MEAN EVERYTHING! For Jehovah God is a Righteous God, is a Loving God. If you reach out for Me, I will protect you. If you turn away from Me, The devil will protect you. That is, "My Word!" And you know the devil's fate. He is destined to a place that was made especially for him.

This is Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe, of all that is, of all that will be, with My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. Listen to Me My Children. These are not idle Words. These are not idle threats. "This is the truth." For I am the truth and nothing but the truth. For what My Word says, My Word does. DO NOT! I'll say it again, DO NOT PASS OVER THIS PROPHECY LIGHTLY. For eternity is a long time. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. The Creator of the Universe. For what I say, will not come back Void, it never has and it never will. 


137. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 July 1992 at 1:04 PM. in Spanish.

Revolting. Revolting. How revolting what's in the world. How revolting what the saints of the devil are doing. How revolting for the things of the devil are the things of Gehenna, of Gehenna, and Gehenna is going to eat them. I, the God of everything, of the World, of Heaven, it is very Revolting to see with My Eyes what the saints of the devil are doing. There is a day coming where I am going to place My Hand over everything that is bad.

I have already given My Orders to My Son and you're going to be frightened when you see him, you saints of the devil because the day is coming that I am going to place My Hand over you. I am going to place it very fast and it's going to be the end of you. It's very revolting to Me what you're doing with your Brothers and Sisters and you're going to live in Gehenna.

Yes, what I say is the truth because the God of the Heavens, of the World, of the Stars doesn't Lie. Everything is correct and righteous. You think you're on top of the world right now but tomorrow you're going to be in the pit for all the days that there are days. And don't say I did not tell you, because the manner of God is Straight and it is Correct.

You can shut your ears, eyes, and your heart, but the day is coming tomorrow when you're going to cry because you did not hear Me, what I told you, because your god is the devil, and with the devil you're going to live all the days that there are days. You believe that you're so intelligent now. You think a lot of yourself. But We are going to see on that last day how intelligent you are and how many brains you really have.

For My Hand is going to hit you, and when My Hand hits you, you won't be able to get up. For the things of God are Righteous and His Word is the truth. I know some of you don't believe Me, and there are some who believe it's not the truth. You believe you live, you die, and that's all. But that's only the beginning of the world where you're going to live. For when you die, you're going to live with the devil. You're going to wake up in a place and you're going to be frightened. You're going to find out you weren't as intelligent as you thought. No one could tell you a thing because you knew it all.

Then, when you arrive at Gehenna, the devil will show you how much you knew, because your teeth and your tongue are going chew all the flames of the world of Gehenna. And you're going to suffer all the days that there are days. You won't be able to point your finger, just at yourself. For I told you My Word, and you shut your eyes. You walked with your god, the devil. Then you can live with him because you did not believe and you loved him so much.

This is your God, of the World, of the Stars, of all that there is and all that's going to be. The day is coming that you are going to drag your tongue on the ground until it bleeds. For what came out of your tongue was all evil and everything from the devil. And with that tongue he is going to choke you. He is going to choke you until your eyes pop out.

For you believed that you knew more than your God. And your God is going to correct you once and for all. You can make fun right now of your God. You believe this is a joke, but the joke is going to be on YOU. So when you laugh, laugh and remember what I have said to you. The Joke is on YOU. Because what I say is what's going to happen.

You have the chance to correct your ways and to come with My Son and Me to Heaven. But you have to do it by yourself, with your Mind and Spirit. The Holy Spirit is trying to show you if you want to go, but He is not going to beg you. He is there right now. All you have to do is to reach out with your Hand and Pray and the Holy Spirit will show you.

For when My Son comes He will correct you, if you don't change your ways. This is all that I am going to tell you with the love of My Heart. For I LOVE YOU. I know that you are mean, but My Love Loves everyone. This is your Father. The Father of Heaven, of the World, of the Stars, of all that is and all that's going to be. With the Word of My Heart, with the love of My Heart, I am telling you the truth.

I don't want you to live with the devil. I want you to come with Me, and with My Son to Heaven. Where everything is straight, everything is righteous, and everything is clean. For everything that is Mine is Clean. Hear Me! Hear Me, My Sons and Daughters. I am telling you the truth. This is your Father, your God, the God of everything with My Son and the Holy Spirit. 


183. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 August 1992 at 2:53 AM. in English and Non- understandable Tongues.

The hour has arrived for the big push, My Reymundo. The hour has arrived. The Prophecies will be sent to the Andes. They will be sent to Korea. They will be sent to Australia. They are the beginning of the Garden of the New World.

For Jehovah God is going to close this planet with the Force and Power of God. For the day is here that was mentioned in the Bible. The hour of the day of the high noon Slaughter will happen, like the Prophet Jeremiah stated in the Old Testament, to the Point, and Rapidly. For all that is evil will be removed and dropped into the pit of hell with all the followers of hell. So saith Jehovah God with the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.

Remember the places. Remember the direction. Remember your Father in Heaven, Jehovah the I am, I am. (Non-understandable tongues)


178. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 August 1992 at 1:38 PM. in Spanish.

Love. Love. The love of the devil is here. The love of the devil is here. All of the world has love for the devil. They think a lot of themselves. They believe they know it all. For they have the love of the devil, but what they don't know is that there is a God that made everything, the Father of everything, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit. He is the TRUE GOD. The God of righteousness, of truth, the God of everything that is Good and Clean.

You believe you know it all because you have the love of the devil, but there is going to come a time as certain as My Name is written in the Bible, with My Son, with the Holy Spirit that I am, I am, I am, and I am going to show you who is the God. For I am going to send your god and you to the pit. For you didn't do what's Good and what is Clean. For everything that is Mine is Clean, it's Correct and it is Straight.

You didn't do what My Son told you to do, to repent of your sins and to look for the God who made Heaven, the World, the Stars, all that is, and all that's going to be. For the Road to Me is My Son the Christ Jesus. I sent Him, and He went, for He had the Love of His Father. He died for you, for the sins, for all that is bad in the World. He gave you a chance, so you could save yourself.

You didn't open your eyes. You didn't open your ears. You didn't open your heart. That's why I am going to send you, with your god the devil, of all that is evil, and the two of you are going to live in Gehenna. Remember what I told you. For I am tired of all that is evil. I am going to gather all of My Sheep, all the Ones which Love Me and Love My Son, and the Holy Spirit, and We are going to start over again. Don't say I didn't tell you that I didn't give you a chance, for I told you, I told you, I told you and you buried your head in the sand. That's why I am going to bury your body and head because you didn't hear Me. This is the straight Word and the truth.

I AM TELLING YOU WITH TEARS FOR I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART, but if you don't love Me, you don't love Me and there is nothing that I can do. For I want you to love Me with your heart and you have to do it by yourself, but I will give you the Law for My Son. The Holy Spirit will show you with the Force of God, the straight manner, the correct manner. If you are blind, if you are deaf, I am going to send you with tears to the pit.

It's going to hurt My Heart what I have to do, but I only want what is Clean and the Ones that love Me. I am telling you with tears. Remember that!

I am telling you with tears in My Eyes. For I am going to cry for what I have to do. IT'S GOING TO BREAK MY HEART for what I have to do.

But the right manner is the right manner and you cannot change that. You cannot think of anything else but the right manner. For what is right is right and that's all, and what is clean is clean. I am going to give you a chance to repent. For this Prophet, My son Reymundo, has started to send them all over the World. He has his computer ready to send them and he is going to start.

For I have already appointed the day that I am going to clean everything. So don't say I didn't give you the chance of My Heart. For the day is here that all that is bad is going to be cleaned. What is clean is going with Me to Heaven. What is filthy is going with the god, the devil to the pit, for all the days that there are days, and you're going to suffer.

BELIEVE ME! You're going to suffer with the devil. You believe you know it all, if you believe in the devil; YOU KNOW NOTHING. I am telling you the truth. I don't care if you're a President or if you're a Pastor or a King. I don't care! I am going to clean all, if you believe in Me or if you believe in the devil. NO ONE is going to stay in the Middle, they are going to one place or the other.

Did you hear Me? I want to tell you once more. Only what is clean is going with Me, IF YOU WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN WITH ME, repent of what's evil, of the evil manners that you have lived. Look for My Son Jesus, your Christ, and jump onto the Ark straight and fast. For you will save yourself if you are on the Ark, but you have to repent and you have to correct your evil ways. For I just want what is clean and what is righteous. My Sons and Daughters, did you hear Me?

For the devil will eat you with his pointed teeth. You believe you have suffered here. Wait until the day you go to Gehenna. That's where you will really suffer, but you have the chance now to repent. Look for your Brothers, your Sisters that don't know Me and show them how to jump onto the Ark. Right now this Minute! Tell them not to wait, for the day of the Ark is here.

My Son is going to come to pick up the Ones that are clean and the correct ones in the manner of God, the Father, the Holy Spirit and with the Son. All the Ones that love Us are going to live in Heaven. I tell you with the Love of My Heart, but I am going to cry with tears, if I lose you. That's all, I am going to tell you on this date at this time.

For the Ark is here and the war in Heaven has started and the war has started here in this world of yours. My Son, with all the Angels, is cleaning everything, for I have given Him His Orders to Clean. They are cleaning everything, but the day of suffering is going to hit this world. Remember what I have said. The war is going to hit this world very hard and everyone is going to suffer that lives in the time of the war of the devil.

REMEMBER WHAT I TELL YOU. This is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Get up, look for your Brothers and Sisters, and jump onto the Ark this minute if you want to save yourself. This is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit, your God. 


198. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 September 1992 at 1:14 PM. in Spanish, English, and Non-understandable tongues.


with anger, (Non-understandable tongues?)


the love.


Oh. I love you. Oh. I love you. If you could see through My Eyes. You could see how I Love the world. It gives Me Pain. It hurts Me to see it in the condition that it's in. It grieves Me. It puts tears in My Eyes, in My Heart, in My Spirit to see the evil that's on this Planet Earth.

My Saints, My Sheep, prepare, be strong, for I am going to clean this Planet. I am going to avenge Myself on all that is evil. What is evil, what is of Satan will be thrown into the pit, Gehenna. For I am grieved to see the evil that's on this Planet. My Saints, My Sheep, My Seeds, My Son has His Orders. The time, the place is before you. Read the Bible, study, learn about your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords. For through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will be saved. Remember, no matter what happens, your Father in Heaven, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, will never abandon you. For the day of the Beast is at hand, the days, the trials, the tribulations.

I am going to shake this Planet. I am going to rattle it. I am going to Purify it. So My Christians, My Seeds, brace yourselves. Get into Prayer. Get into the Bible. Look for your brothers and sisters. Like you never have before. For these are not idle Words. "I am going to shake this Planet!" "I am going to scare every single person on this Planet!" They are going to know Jehovah God, in a way they never knew before.

For the devil has corrupted the whole Planet to the extent that I must do what I have to do. The War in the Heavens is viciously going on. But the time is here now that the Planet earth will be shaken. FOR LUCIFER IS RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE. FOR HE KNOWS HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. He wants to take you with him. Everything he touches he spoils, for the day of Lucifer are almost over. My Christians, My Sheep, My Lambs. He wants you. He wants you for dinner for his mad dogs. He wants you for dinner. He wants to take you to Gehenna.

Be Strong. Be brave. For Jehovah God, the Creator of the Universe, of the Stars, of the Heavens, with My Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will protect you, but you have to listen to My Words. You have to be obedient. Look for your brothers and sisters TODAY, NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow. For the day of the beast is upon you.

Remember My Words, "The day of the beast is upon you." Look for your brothers. Look for your sisters. My Angels are there. My Son is there. The Holy Spirit will guide you. You have to jump onto the Ark. Its ready! Open your ears. Open your eyes. This is your Father Jehovah. The Creator of the Universe with the Son and the Holy Spirit. 


249. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 December 1992 at 4:26 PM. in English, Spanish and Non-understandable tongues.

The Angels of Heaven are on pins and needles. They're impatient. They're waiting as the clock ticks, as the clock ticks. They're waiting. They're waiting to send the devil to the Pit. They're waiting for My Orders. They're impatiently waiting to send the devil and his army to the pit. They're impatient, but they Love what is right. They Love what is Jehovah. They Love what is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They Love the Holy Spirit.

There are many of them, who are at war at the present time. They're many who are battling the demons in Satan's armies, but some are waiting for the final Order to appear, for the final Word from Jehovah God to bring to a close this little planet Earth, to correct all that is evil, to correct all that is not of God, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. (Non-understandable tongues)


439. Vision and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 April 1994 at 1:45 PM. in English.


The vision of a surveyor's plumb.


Then the Lord said:

"Draw Me a line from the center of the pit of hell to the ends of the world, and that will be the area that will be cleaned and thrown into the pit of hell. Mark My Words world..., Mark My Words! So saith Jehovah! So saith Jesus Christ of Nazareth! So saith the Holy Spirit!

I Will Clean You!, once and for all. This cleansing will be thorough, will be complete, will be for eternity. You have been warned, many, many times. The time of reckoning is before you. The Ark of the covenant is before you. The vengeance of God is before you. So repent. Repent or you will follow that plumb line to the center of the pit of hell. So saith Jehovah.

For what I say gets done. For I am tired of all that is evil, of all that is wicked. My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with His warring Angels, will cleanse everything that is evil, everything that is wicked, and nothing will escape His Mighty Powerful Hand. So mark My Words..., your Heavenly Father has spoken, clearly, direct and to the point.

Don't be stupid. Don't ignore the Words of your God. For He has the last Word on everything. My Children I Love you. I need you, but I need you clean. I need you righteous. So repent for here comes the Ax, straight at the throat of all that is evil, of all that is not mine.

If you love Lucifer, you will live with Lucifer, so saith Jehovah."


686. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 February 1995 at 12: 37 AM. in Spanish.

My son, I am going to give you what I have said. It has arrived the day of persecution, the persecution of the Body of My Son. Did you hear Me?, the persecution. Yes, it has arrived. Did you hear Me? Do you have your ears open? For it has arrived, "The End." It has arrived what I have told you. Look, you have to get ready for here comes all the gifts, all the things from Heaven.

Oh oh oh. Here comes My Son Jesus to fight for all the sheep, for all that's His, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of everything that is from God. It has arrived, "The End", the End of the world. I tell you clearly. I tell you to the Point. I tell you with My Lips. For here comes My Word with the Force of the Holy Spirit.

Yes!, the pit is going to open and all that is filthy, all that isn't Mine, I am going to place in the pit. Did you hear Me? Here comes the pit! Here comes the pit! For I am only going to save what is Clean; what is Pointed; what I gave to My Son in the manner of God. It has arrived, the Force of the Holy Spirit, the Force of the My Son, the Word. Yes! It has arrived! Yes! It has arrived! (over)


867. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 February 1996 at 9:45 AM. in English.

The Lord said, "Type up My Words from 1990. I will show you where to begin and where to stop."

Prophecies given on 4 December 1990:


These are Prophecies an conversations I had with Jesus Christ a few days after the Mt. Diablo anointing of December 2. They were given on 4 December 1990 during the time when I was being trained to receive His Word. This is only part of the un-typed audio recording tape. It has been sitting on my shelf for six years waiting for the Lord to tell me to send it out. God bless you all. Ray Aguilera


.....Let the Holy Spirit teach you to be obedient too. For there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. For My Love for you is great. Remember, to Me, the I AM, the I AM, the I AM there is no such thing as great men. I Love all men equally. I Love the lowest of the lowest with the same Love I have for you, Ray. I do not Love anyone more than others. For My Whole existence is Love; My Whole Heart is Love; My Whole Mind is Love. So Love thy enemy, Love thy enemy. Love thy enemy, Ray.

Tell people to confess their sins. People listen to My Words! Ray, listen to My Words! Confess your sins. I, the Great I am, I am, I am-I am, I will forgive anything. Anything you say; anything you do; anything you see; anything you hear; anything from above; anything from below. I have complete, total forgiveness. So tell everyone, for the Gates to Heaven are narrow, and only a few will make it. The few will be the righteous. The few will be the righteous. The few will be the righteous. The Christians without blemish that Love My Son without question, without blemish, without blemish, without blemish. For what is in Heaven is PURE and CLEAN.

My son, tell My People, tell My People to beware, beware of the evil one for the evil one is everywhere, but I cast him out of My Locations on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday (December 2). For he is the evil one of the air now. He is mad, but no one cares in Heaven. No one cares in Heaven; whether he is mad or not. For they have been tired of him for many, many, many years.

The fulfillment of the Law had to be complete, but he still influences the world from the air. The war has begun, the war has begun, Ray. There are battles in the air this instant, this very second that we are talking. The Angels of Christ are battling the angels of Satan, and the angels of Satan have a one way trip to Hades never to come out - ever. For their disobedience was beyond, beyond, the comprehension of what My People could ever comprehend, and there is no way out of hell. No one wants to go to hell for you'll never comprehend the agony, the torture, the anxiety of this place I have created. For the damnation of the wicked. For the damnation of the disobedient. For the damnation of the followers of Baba (Beelzebub). The damnation of the idol seekers.

For there is only ONE GOD, the I am, I am, I am - I am, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Counselor - the Holy Spirit, for there is nothing else, but US. We were; We are; We will always be.

So listen, open your eyes, open your ears for the clock is ticking, the war has begun. Look to the sky. Look to the sky for the wonders are in the sky, the signs are in the sky, the war, the battle is in the sky. Our Angels, our Angels, our Angels, our Angels are defeating Satan at this very second.

Look at the sky.

Look at the sky.

Look at the sky.

There are going to be signs of wonder.

The moon will turn red.

The sky will turn black.

The stars will fall from the air.

The stars will fall from the air.

The heavens will be black.

The heavens will be black.

For I will make a new world.

For I will make a new world for My Saints.

I will make a new world that will last for ever and ever and ever.

This is My Word.

This is My Decree to My Children that have obeyed and Loved My Son, and have used My Counselor to guide them to their Heaven, to be with Me, their Father, who Loves them with all His Heart.

For not a one will slip through My Hands.

Not a one will fail to come to Heaven if they only obey.

Obey My Son.

Obey My Son.

Obey My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

For ONLY through Him can you come to Me.

For ONLY through Him can you save your soul.

For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan.

For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan.

For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan the evil one.

The murderer, the liar, the fornicator, the molester of children, the molester of the mind and the soul.

His time is here, his time is coming to an end.

His time is coming to an end for My Word is My Word, is My Word.

My Law is the Law, is the Law, is the Law of the universe, of the stars and of the Heavens, of everything that was and is and will be.

Listen open your ears. Open your ears My sons and My daughters for you only have ONE chance. So LISTEN-listen to the counselor, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. For He is your guide to My Son, My HOLY Son, My BELOVED Son, My ONE and ONLY, My PRECIOUS, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For through Him you will find joy, happiness, peace for ever and ever and ever. So this is the Word from your Father, the I am, the I am, the I am, the I am.

Look to the sky.

Look to the sky.

Look for the signs of wonder.

Do not blind yourself, I am in front of you.

I am in front of you.

I am in front of you.

Touch Me!

Touch Me!

Caress Me!

Caress Me!

For I am there with My Son and My Counselor.

Do not blind yourself WITH worldly things.

Do not blind yourself FOR worldly things.

Do not blind yourself with worldly things

For THEY ARE from the evil one, the evil one.

The evil one is next to you.

He wants you because he knows he has lost.

He has lost.

He has lost.

My Children don't make Me Cry. Don't make Cry for another soul. Don't make Cry for another soul that Satan has taken from My Grasp because of your hard head, because of your hard head. You will find Hades and the Abyss for ever and ever and ever. Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth the ONLY hope, the ONLY way, the ONLY path. He is at the Gates of Heaven. He is at the Gates of Heaven.

Open your hearts. Open your minds. Open, Open, Open, Open for the time is coming, the time is coming; for the wrath of God, the wrath of God, the wrath of the Great I am I am I am-I am is here. So listen to My Words, the Words of the Great I am, I am-I am, I am. For the time is here and your eyes will see, in your life time, the wrath of God. For it was foretold to your father's, father's, father's, father's-father's from the beginning that this day would come. You have killed My Prophets. You have killed My Apostles. You have done abominable things to Me, My Son, and My Counselor.

There is only one left. I saved the best for the last. Those that will be first will be last. Those that will be last will be first. That is My Law. Love thy enemy. Love thy neighbor. Love your God the I am, I am above all; the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ - the DOORWAY - the Doorway to salvation.

Open your ears. Open your eyes. Listen to My Prophet. Listen to My Prophet for I will not let him be hurt. I will not let him be tortured. I will not let him be thrown into prison because he is the last of the last, of the last, of the last, of the last. The end is here. My Children open your eyes. Open your eyes for this your Father the I am, I am. Have mercy on each other; for I give you mercy.

The path is so simple. So easy. Open your eyes. Open your eyes this is the I am, I am, I am. This is the I am, I am, I am. This is the I am, I am, I am - I am, I am - I am. I Love you all. Peace be with you, My Children. (over)


934. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1996 at 7:07 PM. in Spanish.

You are seeking the stars; you are seeking the animals that come in the stars, that you believe are gods. You seek the male and female witches. You seek the things of the devil in the manner of the devil, for you are on the wide road. And you don't even know that there is a narrow road. You are having a lot of fun now for you are well planted in the world with the rest who are not Christians. But remember, when you knock on the Door, I am not going to know you. For your door is on the road that is WIDE, but the devil is going to open that door. He is going to tell you enter, and say, "I know YOU VERY WELL - you are my friend." And he is going to hug you; and he is going to kiss you on the lips, for he is going to eat your tongue and ALL that you have inside with the hunger of the devil. That's the door that you are going to knock on.

Lets see if what you have just read is clear in the hole that you have in-between your ears. For right now I am looking in-between your ears, and I still don't see a thing. It is dark in there, like the things of the devil. What a shame! And you say you are a Christian. You don't seek your brothers in the street. You don't pray or repent what you do, and when someone tells you to repent, you get MAD! You know why you get mad? Because you are NOT Mine. You belong to the devil. What I tell you is clear and to the point. And I know you are going to get mad, but I don't care. You know why? For I have already made your house and for the devil. He is waiting for you. It has to be very large - for you have lots of male and female friends. You are going to have lots of fun with your eyes popped out, with your hair burned, with your skin on top of your bones - changing colors with the flame of the pit.

Oh what a shame, for you are throwing away the chance I am giving you. But the chance you have - you have to choose. How many times this year have you sought the sick ones, the friends, and the ones who are in the hospital that have no one, the old ones? How many times have you helped the ones who don't have food? How many times have you helped my prophet that has given you this Word, with prayers, with money, or just in thinking if what he is telling you is right or wrong? How many times have you read the Prophecies and you have done nothing? You have not changed in the manner you have walked. But there is going to come a day, when you won't be able to point your finger at Reymundo, or Me, or your male or female friend - because it is you, and you will have to point your finger at yourself.

It is very easy and simple - the things that I tell you. There are many other Prophets that I have sent to the world, but you don't hear them either because you have everything dark that is in-between your two ears. You want to seek God in the manner of the devil. Yes! The two of you are very close friends, hand and hand, and lip to lip. It has arrived the end of this Word. But don't tell Me that I didn't tell you - for the end of you has arrived in the manner of God, the One who made the world, the stars, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I tell you the TRUTH, AND TO THE POINT, CLEARLY in the middle of your heart - for I know you don't have a head, for it is dark in-between your ears. I am, I am, I am. (over)


1876. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 November 2006 at 4:55 AM

Reymundo, you’ve heard the term: “The Good, the bad, and the ugly.” Well, that is the church of man of today. Some are good, some are bad, and some are very ugly. Everything the Lord says is the truth. The church of man will not like what I am going to say, but I do not care! I am going to liquidate them, to the point. Many believe some of these churches are great, are righteous, but I tell you today, these churches will take you to Gehenna. Believe Me or not, if you stay in this type of a church you will be in Gehenna with your family and friends.

Wise up! Get your nose into the Bible. Read the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit will show you and guide you. If not, well, you will see that wonderful place that I made for the devil. Don’t take these Words lightly, because Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth does not lie. We Love everyone, but We hate what is bad, what is ugly, what is not of God in man’s church of today. Their source of power is Satan, money, greed.

They forgot about the Vengeance of God. You don’t go against God unpunished. God doesn’t turn His Head to look the other way. It is a shame that the leaders of man’s church have used My Words, My Guidelines for their greed. You can tell them and tell them and tell them; they won’t listen. They have hard heads, pointed nose that go directly to hell and nothing will stop them. The older one gets the more the realization becomes that life is very short. Why waste the rest of eternity in hell for a little money that won’t give you any happiness?

Turn to Jesus, and I mean the real Jesus, the one that is in the Bible, not the one you preach. Turn to the Father, He is in there too, and if you look very hard, you will find the Holy Spirit. For We three are One. We three are in agreement. Nothing happens, which We three do not know. Man’s church cannot fool no one but themselves, and a few blind followers who like to be led my their nose, with blind folded eyes, stopped up ears, dancing feet that go nowhere, but to hell.

There are no jokes in Heaven that are not of God. The things of Heaven are straight, pure, and clean. Don’t make a joke of God’s Name, for We three hear everything. The Power of Might, the Power of Earth, the Power of Heaven, the Power of the Universe all sits in the Hands of Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Wake up people! Stop listening to these so called preachers that have one foot in hell and the other foot in their bank. You will find nothing of God there. Turn away, turn away now! Seek the real Jehovah, the real Jesus Christ, the real Holy Spirit. Put your nose in the Bible and read and read and pray and pray. Seek Me with a true honest heart, and you will find the Holy Spirit. And you will find the true Jehovah, the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the true Holy Spirit.

We welcome you. We Love you. We adore you. I hope you listened to this message because God does not lie, but God does correct. God does discipline those that need to be punished. Remember, Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit are one. We cannot be divided. We cannot be separated. We are One, for ever and ever and ever. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)


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